Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction- with an emphasis on anxiety and depression January 14 - February 25 Tuesdays, 6 - 8 pm plus one daylong practice, Saturday, February 22 $185 ( sliding scale fee available) at Winthrop Fitness & Physical Therapy (you do not have to be a member) Free Introductory Presentations - The science, the practice, and why it works. Tuesday, January 7, 6 -7 pm Thursday, January 9, 6 -7 pm The classic introduction to mindfulness as developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, with an emphasis on compassion for oneself and others. This class will have an added focus on tools for working with depression and anxiety. Classes are a combination of practice and lecture, with guided practices in mindfulness, body awareness, compassion, and gentle yoga, as well as eating, walking and mindful communication. Lectures integrate findings in science and psychology, allowing time for discussion. MBSR is appropriate for any level of fitness. In the past three decades, mindfulness has become one of the most researched topics in mental health, this course is the gold standard used in that research. Countless studies have shown it to be helpful for medical symptoms, including chronic pain, psychological distress, and managing everyday day stress. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Some comments from class participants:
This class taught me calmness and self-compassion and tools to increase relaxation, slow down and enjoy the day-I recommend this class to others.
Meditation has always felt so abstract; what I most value from this class is the practical exposure to the practice of mindfulness and meditation, the facilitation of how to "do it". That will be something I will always be able to use.
I have found myself becoming more mindful about my every day actions and surroundings. I still struggle with a very full & busy work schedule, but I have developed more tolerance of the hectic pace. Being more compassionate was one of my goals and clearly I feel that has improved immensely, and I tend to not let little issues bother me as much.
Since taking the class I have had a reduction an frequency and intensity of migraine headaches, And an improvement in my ability to notice muscle tension in my shoulders throughout the day, thus reducing the migraine impact!. I feel I'm slower to judge others or myself and less quick to anger or overreacting.
I am more present throughout the day. I have better tools for communicating with compassion and being more direct. I feel more peaceful and less stressed and I'm learning how to deal with chronic pain with grace. I feel that I am better at recognizing when my mind is rumination too much about past experiences and then letting that go. The practices have also helped my gain calmness and a more positive outlook. I've also gained an increased awareness of my body in everyday life.